Наукові публікації асистента Токарського О. С.
Mariya Marushchak, Inna Krynytska, Oleksandr Tokarskyy, Mariya Koval, Mykhailo Demianchuk. 2022. Genetic Polymorphism of the Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme in Bronchial Asthma. BANGLADESH JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCE. Volume 21, Number 3, July 2022, p. 492-502.
Inna Krynytska, Mariya Marushchak, Inna Birchenko, Alina Dovgalyuk, Oleksandr Tokarskyy. 2021. COVID-19-associated acute respiratory distress syndrome versus classical acute respiratory distress syndrome (a narrative review). Iranian Journal of Microbiology. Volume 13, Number 6. P. 737-747.
Ivanna Hudan-Tsilo, Oleksandr Tokarskyy, Oksana Shevchuk, Mykhaylo Korda. 2021. Chitosan self-assembled polymeric nanoparticles for percutaneous delivery of betamethasone in contact dermatitis. Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy. Volume 47, Number 8, p. 1310-1317.
Inna Krynytska, Svitlana Kucher, Oleksandr Tokarskyy, Mariya Koval, Mariya Marushchak. 2021. The association of angiotensin-converting enzyme gene insertion/deletion polymorphism with bronchial asthma. Polish Medical Journal. Volume XLIX, Number 294, p. 442-444.
Tokarskyy, O., Korda, M., and Lukyantseva, H. 2020. Transfer efficacy of Escherichia coli O157:H7 between surfaces of green mature tomatoes and common food processing materials. Potravinarstvo, vol. 14, p. 1027-1034. https://doi.org/10.5219/1408.
Tatjana Prozorova, Oleksandr Tokarskyy, Larisa Fedoniuk, Viktoriia Harbuzova, Oksana Morozova, Alexander Egorov, Alexandr Kamyshnyi. 2020. Changes in the transcriptional activity of the lymphocyte homing regulatory genes Madcam1, Cxcr3, Ccr7 and S1pr1 affect structure of the population of T-bet+, RorYt+ and Foxp3+ cells in mesenteric lymph nodes in offspring of rats with experimental gestational diabetes. Romanian Journal of Diabetes, Nutrition and Metabolic Diseases. vol. 27, no. 3, p. 185-194. https://doi.org/10.46389/rjd-2020-1029
Tokarskyy, О., 2020. Survival of Escherichia coli O157:h7 on raw mature green tomatoes during storage temperature abuse. Carpathian Journal of Food Science and Technology, vol. 12, no 3, p. 119-125. https://doi.org/10.34302/crpjfst/2020.12.3.9
Shatynska, О., Tokarskyy, О., Lykhatskyi, P., Yaremchuk, O., Bandas, I., Mashtalir, A. 2020. Dietary supplementation with magnesium citrate may improve pancreatic metabolic indices in an alloxan-induced diabetes rat model. Potravinarstvo, vol. 14, no. 1, p. 836-846. https://doi.org/10.5219/1375
Kumari, S., Tokarskyy, O., Marshall, D.L. 2020. Dipping solutions of nisin and buffered sodium citrate supplemented with sodium diacetate fail to prevent growth of Listeria monocytogenes on vacuum packaged beef frankfurters stored at 4 and 10°C under model conditions. Italian Journal of Food Science, 32(2):352-366.
Putilin Denis Anatolievich, Evchenko Sergey Yuryevich, Fedoniuk Larisa Yaroslavivna, Tokarskyy Olexandr Stepanovich, Kamyshny Oleksandr Mikhailovich, Migenko Liudmyla Mikhailivna, Andreychyn Serhiy Mikhailovich, Hanberher Iryna Ihorivna, Bezruk Tetyana Oleksandrivna. 2020. The Influence of Metformin to the Transcriptional Activity of the mTOR and FOX3 Genes in Parapancreatic Adipose Tissue of Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats. Journal of Medicine and Life, 13(1):50-55.
О. З. Яремчук, К.А. Посохова, О.С. Токарський. 2019. Вплив L-аргініну на рівень синтезу оксиду азоту та вміст гліального фібрилярного кислого протеїну у головному мозку при експериментальному антифосфоліпідному синдромі. Наукові записки Тернопільського національного педагогічного університету імені Володимира Гнатюка. Серія Біологія. № 3-4.
Tokarskyy, O., Korda, M. 2019. Influence of suspension liquid total solids on E. coli O157:H7 survival and transfer efficacy between green tomatoes and cardboard . Potravinarstvo 13(1), 941-949.
Tokarskyy, O, Korda, M. 2019. Microbiological comparison of visibly dirty and visibly clean mature green tomatoes before and after treatments with deionized water or chlorine in model overhead spray brush roller system. Potravinarstvo. 13(1), p. 779-783
Tokarskyy, O., Schneider, K. 2019. Influence of temperature, humidity, and diluent type on survival of Salmonella spp. on the surface of raw tomatoes. Potravinarstvo. 13(1), p. 325-330
Tokarskyy, O., Marshall, D.L., Dillon, J., Andrews, L.S. 2019. Long-term depuration of crassostrea virginica oysters at different salinities and temperatures changes vibrio vulnificus counts and microbiological profile. Journal of Food Protection. 82(1), p. 22-29
Tokarskyy O., Marshall D.L., Dillon J., and Andrews L.S. 2019. Long-term depuration of Crassostrea virginica oysters at different salinities and temperatures changes Vibrio vulnificus counts and microbiological profile. Journal of Food Protection 82(1), 22-29.
Tokarskyy O., De J., Fatica M. K., Brecht J., and Schneider K.R. 2018. Survival of Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Salmonella on bruised and unbruised tomatoes from three ripeness stages at two temperatures. Journal of Food Protection 81(12), 2028-2033.
К.А. Кінь, С.В. Пида, О.С. Токарський. 2018. Вплив сольового стресу на ростові процеси нуту звичайного (Cicer Arietinum l). IX Всеукраїнська науково-практична конференція з міжнародною участю «Біологічні дослідження - 2018». Житомир, 14-16 березня 2018 року.
Didukh, V.D., Rudyak, Y.A., Vistak V., Tokarskyy, O.S, Ladyka R.B., Bagriy-Zayats O.A., Palasyuk B.M., Horkunenko A.B., Grybkov O.V., Gural S.J., Naumova L.V. 2017. Physical basis of medical equipment functioning (vol. 2). Ternopil, TSMU, Ukrmedknyha. ISBN 978-966-673-244-9. 113 pages.
Didukh, V.D., Rudyak, Y.A., Tokarskyy, O.S, Ladyka R.B., Bagriy-Zayats O.A., Palasyuk B.M., Horkunenko A.B., Grybkov O.V., Gural S.J., Naumova L.V. 2016. Physical basis of medical equipment functioning (vol 1). Ternopil, TSMU, Ukrmedknyha. ISBN 978-966-673-244-9. 167 pages.
Дідух В.Д., Рудяк Ю.А., Ладика Р.Б., Багрій-Заяць О.А., Горкуненко А.Б., Гураль С.Я., Наумова Л.В., Паласюк Б.М., Грибков О.В., Токарський О.С. 2015. Будова і принципи роботи медичного обладнання. Тернопіль, ТДМУ, Укрмедкнига, ISBN-978-966-673-243-2. 267 ст.
Дідух В.Д., Рудяк Ю.А., Ладика Р.Б., Багрій-Заяць О.А., Горкуненко А.Б., Гураль С.Я., Наумова Л.В., Паласюк Б.М., Грибков О.В., Токарський О.С. 2015. Фізичні основи функціонування медичного обладнання. Тернопіль, ТДМУ, Укрмедкнига, ISBN-978-966-673-244-9. 267 ст.
Sreedharan, A., Tokarskyy, O., Sargent, S., Schneider K.R. 2015. Survival of Salmonella spp. on surface-inoculated forced-air cooled and hydrocooled intact strawberries, and in strawberry puree. Food Control 51, 244-250
Tokarskyy, O., Schneider K.R., Berry A., Sargent S.A., Sreedharan A. 2015. Sanitizer applicability in a laboratory model strawberry hydrocooling system. Postharvest Biology and Technology 101, 103-106.
Tokarskyy О. S., Yaroshenko Т. Ya., Kuzmak I. P. 2014. Influence of low temperature storage and salinity on fatty acid profile and inactivation by simulated gastric juice of human pathogenic bacterium Vibrio vulnificus . Медична хімія (Medical Chemistry) 16(4), 89-95. ISSN: 1681-2557.
Aswathy Sreedharan, Oleksandr Tokarskyy, Steven Sargent, Keith R. Schneider. 2014. Effect of Sanitizers on the Survival of Lactobacillus plantarum and Salmonella spp. on Surface Inoculated, Hydrocooled Strawberries. ASHS Annual Conference
Schneider, K., Harrison, M., and O. Tokarskyy. 2012. Survival of Escherichia coli O157:H7 on raw green tomatoes during transportation temperature abuse and pathogen transfer efficacy between tomatoes and common packaging materials. International Association for Food Protection Annual Meeting, July 22-25, Providence, Rhode Island.
Tokarskyy, O., Gu, L., Balaguero, A., and K. Schneider. 2012. Survey of antimicrobial activity of Florida honeys against Staphylococcus aureus. International Association for Food Protection Annual Meeting, July 22-25, Providence, Rhode Island.
Marshall, D.L., and O. Tokarskyy. 2010. Enzyme activity assays and protein quantification for internal cook temperature verification of catfish fillets. 61st Pacific Fisheries Technologists Conference, February 21-24, Seattle, WA, Program and Abstracts, p. 49.
Schilling, M.W., Y. Yoon, O. Tokarskyy, A.J. Pham, R.C. Williams, and D.L. Marshall. 2009. Effects of ionizing irradiation source and hydrostatic pressure on Escherichia coli O157:H7 inactivation, chemical composition, and sensory acceptability of ground beef patties. Meat Science 81:705-710.
Tokarskyy, O., and D.L. Marshall, 2009. Chapter 14. Novel technologies for spoilage prevention. In: Handbook of Meat Processing. Wiley-Blackwell Publishers. ISBN: 978-0-8138-2182-5.
Tokarskyy, O., D.L. Marshall, M.W. Schilling, and K.O. Willeford. 2009. Comparison of methods to verify end point cooking temperature of Channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) fillets. Journal of Muscle Foods 20:325-340.
Tokarskyy, O., and Marshall, D. 2008. Mechanism of synergistic inhibition of Listeria monocytogenes with lactic acid, monolaurin, and nisin. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 74(23):7126-7129
Tokarskyy, O., and Marshall, D. 2008. Immunosensors for rapid detection of Escherichia coli O157:H7 - perspectives for use in the meat processing industry. Food Microbiology 25:1-12
Kumari, S., J. Martin, P. Coggins, O. Tokarskyy, and D. Marshall. 2008. Combined effect of nisin and buffered solution of sodium citrate and sodium diacetate on surface inoculated Listeria monocytogenes on commercial beef frankfurters formulated without antimicrobials stored at 10°C in vacuum packages. 68th Annual Meeting of the Institute of Food Technologists, June 29-July 1, New Orleans, LA, Scientific Program Book of Abstracts, No. 052-16, p. 67.
Tokarskyy, O., L.S. Andrews, and D.L. Marshall. 2007. Depuration in cold and ambient water changes the microbiological profile of Gulf Coast oysters. 94th International Association for Food Protection Annual Meeting, July 8-11, Orlando, FL, Program and Abstracts Book, No. P1-26, p. 124.
Tokarskyy, O., L.S. Andrews, and D.L. Marshall. 2007. Changes in microbiological profile of Gulf Coast oysters during refrigerated storage. 67th Annual Meeting of the Institute of Food Technologists, July 28-August 1, Chicago, IL, Scientific Program Book of Abstracts, No. 058-08, p. 89.
Gourama, H., M. Bucks, D.L. Marshall, and O. Tokarskyy. 2007. Identification and characterization of molds isolated from bottled water. Presented at the 2007 Workshop of the International Commission on Food Mycology, Key West, FL, June 4-6.
Tokarskyy, O., and D.L. Marshall. 2006. Comparison of methods to verify end-point cooking temperature. Pittcon 2006, March 12-17, Orlando, FL, No. 1600-12. Available online http://www.appcluster05.com/app/homepage.cfm?appname=376&linkid=4371&moduleid=855.
Gourama, H., M. Bucks, D.L. Marshall, B. Eardly, and O. Tokarskyy. 2006. Identification and characterization of bacteria and molds isolated from bottled water. The 20th International Committee on Food Microbiology and Hygiene Symposium, Food Safety and Food Biotechnology: Diversity and Global Impact, Alma Mater Studiorum, Bologna, Italy, 29 August 28-September 2, 2006. Book of Abstracts, p. 219.
Tokarskyy, O., and D.L. Marshall. 2005. Combined inhibition of Listeria monocytogenes growth using lactic acid, monolaurin, and nisin. 92nd International Association for Food Protection Annual Meeting, August 14-17, Baltimore, MD. Program and Abstract Book No. T4-03, p. 169.
Ахметшин А.Г., Ахметшина А.Г., Токарський О.С., Гевко В.Р. Приймак О.П. 2000. Використання чотирифакторного планування експерименту в іонселективній потенціометрії для аналізу молокопродуктів. KUAC 2000. Харків, 15-19 травня 2000 р.
Ахметшин А.Г., Ахметшина А.Г., Токарский А.С., Прыймак О.П., Гевко В.Р. 1999. Исследование влияния различных факторов на работу твердоконтактных ионоселективных электродов. Вопросы химии и химической технологии. Специальный выпуск №1. 16-17
Ахметшин А.Г., Ахметшина А.Г., Токарський О.С. Чинники впливу на кальцієву функцію електродів типу «покритого дроту» на основі триалілфосфату. 1999. Наукові записки Тернопільського державного педагогічного університету ім. Володимира Гнатюка. Серія: Хімія. Вип 3.
Ахметшин А.Г., Ахметшина А.Г., Токарский А.С., Прыймак О.П., Гевко В.Р. 1999. Исследование влияния различных факторов на работу твердоконтактных ионоселективных электродов. ІІ Украинский электрохимический съезд
Ахметшин А.Г., Ахметшина А.Г., Токарський О.С., Приймак О.П., Гевко В.Р. 1998. Деякі закономірності поведінки йонселективних електродів типу «покритого дроту». Прогресивні матеріали, технології та обладнання в машино- і приладобудуванні. Тези доповідей третьої наково-технічної конференції ТДТУ. Тернопіль. 24-26 листопада 1998 р.